برعاية الأستاذ الدكتور وعد محمود رؤوف المحترم رئيس جامعة تكريت وبإشراف الأستاذ الدكتورة نجلاء عبدالحسين عليوي المحترمة عميد كلية التربية للبنات والاستاذ المساعد الدكتور سياف عبد حسين المحترم مدير مركز التعليم المستمر اقام مركز التعليم المستمر بالتعاون مع كلية التربية للبنات ندوة علمية بعنوان (How to Understand poetry )بتاريخ 8/ 5/ 2024 المصادف يوم الاربعاء على قاعة قسم اللغة الانكليزية - المرحلة الرابعة
* prof. Dr. Ansan. R. Abdullah (ph.D)
* Asst.prof. Rudaina. A. Mohammed(ph.D)
* In truducction to poetry: definition of poetry and its unique nature,and the significance of poetry in culture and human expression
* Elements of poetry: poetic structure and rhythm, and imagery and figurative language
* Reading poetry: techniques for reading poetry effectively understanding the internal structure and organization of a poem, and focusing on the ideas and emotions conveyed by the poet
* Famous poetic texts: reviewing notable poetic texts and literary analysis of them , and discussing the styles and techniques employed in these texts
* Contexts and interpretations: The influence of cultural and historical context on poetry and the impact of personal backgrounds
* Poetry and emotional experiences: how poetry conveys emotions and personal experience of the poet , and the ability of poetry to evoke emotions and influence readers
* Poetry and folk culture: the role of poetry in folk culture and poetic heritage,and the exchange of poetry in folk culture and poetic heritage,and the exchange of poetry and folk literature in different societies
* Modern poetry and new experiments: exploring contemporary poetic experiments and new approaches to poetry,and understanding andengaging with contemporary poetry
* Discussion